In collaboration with P. Peluso (ICB, Sassari), we have demonstrated that stereoselective XBs and ChBs are able to control enantioseparation of polyhalogenated atropisomeric 4,4’-bipyridines and planar chiral ferrocenyl iodoalkynes by HPLC on cellulose-based chiral stationary phases (CSPs).
Axially Chiral 4,4′-bipyridines

Planar Chiral Ferrocenes

Selected publications:
1) Peluso, P.; Mamane, V.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S. Insights into the impact of shape and electronic properties on the enantioseparation of polyhalogenated 4,4′-bipyridines on polysaccharide-type selectors. Evidence of stereoselective halogen bonding interactions. J. Chromatogr. A 2014, 1345, 182.
2) Peluso, P.; Mamane, V.; Aubert, E.; Dessì, A.; Dallocchio, R.; Dore, A.; Pale, P.; Cossu, S. Insights into halogen bond-driven enantioseparations. J. Chromatogr. A 2016, 1467, 228.
3) Peluso, P.; Mamane, V.; Dallocchio, R.; Dessì, A.; Villano, R.; Sanna, D.; Aubert, E.; Pale, P.; Cossu, S. Polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases as halogen bond acceptors: a novel strategy for detection of stereoselective s-hole bonds in solution. J. Sep. Sci. 2018, 41, 1247.
4) Dallocchio, R.; Dessì, A.; Solinas, M.; Arras, A.; Cossu, S.; Aubert, E.; Mamane, V.; Peluso, P. Halogen bond in high-performance liquid chromatography enantioseparations: Description, features and modelling. J. Chromatogr. A 2018, 1563, 71 (Review).
5) Peluso, P.; Gatti, C.; Dessì, A.; Dallocchio, R.; Weiss, R.; Aubert, E.; Pale, P.; Cossu, S.; Mamane, V. Enantioseparation of fluorinated 3-arylthio-4,4’-bipyridines: Insights into chalcogen and π-hole bonds in high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 2018, 1567, 119.
6) Peluso, P.; Mamane, V.; Dessì, A.; Dallocchio, R.; Aubert, E.; Gatti, C.; Mangelings, D.; Cossu, S. Halogen bond in separation science: a critical analysis across experimental and theoretical results. J. Chromatogr. A 2020, 1616, 460788 (Review).
7) Peluso, P.; Mamane, V.; Dallocchio, R.; Dessì, A.; Cossu, S. Noncovalent interactions in high-performance liquid chromatography enantioseparations on polysaccharide-based chiral selectors. J. Chromatogr. A 2020, 1623, 461202 (Review).
8) Peluso, P.; Dessì, A.; Dallocchio, R.; Sechi, B.; Gatti, C.; Chankvetadze, B.; Mamane V.; Weiss, R.; Pale, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S. Enantioseparation of 5,5’-dibromo-2,2’-dichloro-3-selanyl-4,4’-bipyridines on polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases: exploring chalcogen bonds in liquid-phase chromatography. Molecules 2021, 26, 221.
9) Dessì, A.; Sechi, B.; Dallocchio, R.; Chankvetadze, B.; Pérez-Baeza, M.; Cossu, S.; Mamane, V.; Pale, P.; Peluso, P. Comparative enantioseparation of planar chiral ferrocenes on polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases. Chirality 2022, 34, 609-619.
10) Sechi, B.; Dessi, A.; Gatti, C.; Dallocchio, R.; Chankvetadze, B.; Cossu, S.; Mamane, V.; Pale, P.; Peluso, P. Unravelling functions of halogen substituents in the enantioseparation of halogenated planar chiral ferrocenes on polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases: experimental and electrostatic potential analyses. J. Chromatogr. A 2022, 1673, 463097.
11) Dallocchio, R; Dessì, A.; Sechi, B.; Chankvetadze, B.; Jibuti, G.; Cossu, S.; Mamane, V.; Peluso, P. Enantioseparation of planar chiral ferrocenes on cellulose-based chiral stationary phases: Benzoate versus carbamate pendant groups. Electrophoresis 2023, 44, 203.
12) Peluso, P.; Mamane, V. Ferrocene derivatives with planar chirality and their enantioseparation by liquid-phase techniques. Electrophoresis 2023, 44, 158 (Review).
13) Sechi, B.; Dessì, A.; Dallocchio, R.; Tsetskhladze, N.; Chankvetadze, B.; Pérez-Baeza, M.; Cossu, S.; Jibuti, G.; Mamane, V.; Peluso, P. Unravelling dispersion forces in liquid-phase enantioseparation. Part I: Impact of ferrocenyl versus phenyl groups. Anal. Chim. Acta 2023, 1278, 341725.